
Story of a travel guide


                                  The beginning of a travel guide

I love the way how things have turned to my favor in recent years.

I was born to a very impecunious family in a remote part of Nepal. As I grew up, it hurt the most to know that my life wouldn’t be same as other kids. Education was out of question for me, as my parents had to toil 24/7 to fulfill basic requirements like food and clothing. They even complained how I was staying aloof and not helping them. Living in scarcity and very limited options was suffocating me, and I wanted to get out of it sooner rather than later.

I used to take great care and interest while collecting food, timber, and herbs in the woods in order to get right items required for domestic use and as ordered by my parents. I began to know more about nature and how our life was dependent on it. On the long run, I was eventually equipped with the knowledge so pragmatic and useful that my whole life began to depend on it, and even bring about changes in later part of my life.

I was very happy to see people of different race and culture making efforts to come to our village. Those tourists were often accompanied by travel guides and potters. I noticed those guides talking relentlessly in broken English about my village without much actual information.

 I too began to long for expeditions and travel and observe different parts of our country. I wanted to see places and people from different places. I wanted to know more about the world we live in. However, I needed money which I didn’t have. So travelling seemed next to impossible in near future.

However, I was presented with one easy solution to my problem which had been nagging me for some time. I wondered with some degree of satisfaction that if I become a travel guide, I would get to travel places and at the same time make money out of it. It would not only get me what I wanted but also provide an opportunity for me to support my family. The prospect of becoming a travel guide began to appeal deep inside me. This is how I decided to become a travel guide.

I knew I would do better at the job as it was what I longed for, and I possessed to some remarkable degree, the knowledge of the geography, climate and wildlife of this country. There was still one problem I could face- language barrier. I started with English and planned to learn new language once I became good at English. I knew it would take time to master language, so I became patient and continued to improve my English. Then after a year, I applied to a travel agency in the capital city for the job. Not only did I get the job, the agency was very happy to have me in their firm. I was looking forward to travel with my first crew of tourists.

                         Travel Guide-The story continues

Our village was one of the top tourist destinations of our Nation where thousands of tourists flocked from every corner of the world to see the place which a commoner like me had been seeing from my childhood. In a way I felt like I have been living inside a room full of treasures but just not being able to see it.

Luckily enough, my first journey was set to be with a bunch of tourists to my own home district. It was quite close to the capital in terms of distance but the area is so forlorn that to an outsider, it seems like an alien place.

Explaining them about the woods, soil, minerals and trail routes made me feel like a professor in a bunch of freshmen students who seemed lost in their new college. Even with my broken English, most tourists seemed persuaded with the information I shared with them. Besides, only my grandfather could claim to have more knowledge about my locale in finest of details than me.

I shared stories that have been passed on through ages about places to those tourists. I used to get amused when my father told them to me when I was a child, and I was hoping that the tourists would like it as well. Sometimes, I reinvented the stories to amuse them, and many a times I succeeded. 

It was easier for me as foreigners are treated as gods in every corner of our country. And everywhere I went, I could always get help from them in making the tour entertaining.

I wanted to see different places and my first journey started with my own district. It not only boosted my confidence as a travel guide, but also made a good impression on those Americans, who later on recommended other tourists to ask for me as their guide whenever possible.

I became quite a popular figure among tourist guides and travel agencies. It was not much but it was worthwhile for me. It was rather my inclination towards travelling more than the knowledge I possessed that made me good at my job.
After some good time travelling around the country, I got opportunities to assist a team of explorers. With them I got to know new ways of exploring the wild. It excited me the same way I used to get when watching Man versus wild on the discovery channel. It was not as entertaining as with other tourists but I got to understand the more about wildlife.

I enjoyed travelling with foreigners as they not only made my job but also paid hefty tips sometimes in a while. I was set to add some explorations in my forthcoming tours with some gutsy tourists.


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