

Namaste, these amazing facts about this astounding country will surprise and intrigue you. It is truly stunning, majestic and mesmerizing. The most baffling fact about Nepal is that all of the following happens within the limited area of 147181 sq. km (25827 Let’s dive into the facts and share you favorite as well.

1.Unique way of greeting-Namaste
People in Nepal do not greet one another with a handshake, but rather put their palms together and bow their forehead and say Namaste (directly translated as “I salute the God in you”).

2.Nepal was never colonised
Nepal is the oldest country in South Asia and has always remained an independent Nation. Nepal was never colonized.

3.There are eight of top 10 world’s highest or tallest peaks in this small country Nepal.
Everest, Kanchanjunga,  Lhotse, Makalu, Choyu, Dhaulkagiri, Manaslu,Annapurna are among the top eight highest peaks of the world and they all lie in Nepal.

4. Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha
Siddhartha Gautam Buddha was born in kapilvastu, Lumbini which lies in Nepal. Lumbini is a sacred place for Buddhists.

5. Nepal has the most dense concentration of World Heritage Sites.
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur, the three cities than anywhere else in the world (hold around 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers).

6. The Sherpas are an ethnic group from mostly the eastern mountainous part of Nepal.
Most of them are as porters for mountain expeditions as they do not suffer the effect of altitude and due to their genetics and upbringing. Many groups refer to their porters as Sherpas.

7.Intense Climatic variation within 100 km
In a span of 100km going from South to North at any part of Nepal, you can experience hot tropical climate to bone chilling Artic type weather.

8.The only living Goddess in the world called Kumari can be found in Nepal.
The literal meaning of Kumari is Virgin. Selected as children, they live in temples, are carried in chariots during festivals and worshipped by thousands of Hindus and Buddhists. They retire upon puberty.

9. Elephant polo game was originated in Meghauli, Nepal.
Tiger Tops in Nepal is the headquarters of elephant polo and the site of the World Elephant Polo Championships.

10. The Annapurna region was voted one of the top 10 best trekking places on earth.
Multi conceptual park management system was first successfully implemented in Annapurna Area and now ACAP is the world model for conservation and sustainable development.

11. Nepal was once said to be weed capital.
Weed is said to be illegal and is not available for buy and sale, we can find the growth of weeds everywhere mostly in the rural area, around the roads, ditches, farm lands, mountainside and everywhere.

12. Everest in the Nepali language is Sagarmatha
 Everest in the Nepali language is Sagarmatha which means goddess of the sky and it stands at a staggering 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level. It is the highest mountain peak in the world. Chomolungma is what the Sherpas- ethnic groups of the mountains of Nepal, call to Mt. Everest.

13. Second lowest internet speed in the world
About 60% people in Nepal surf internet with a speed which is below 250Kbps – Internet was introduced in Nepal back in 1994. Nepal stands second after Libya for low internet connection as a country.

14. Home to many endangered secies
Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard and Red Panda- these endangered animals are all found in Nepal.

15.Land of Brave Gurkhas
Nepal Gurkhas have part of the British Army since 1816 – ‘’Better to die than be a coward’’ is the motto of the world famous Nepalese Gurkha soldiers who are an integral part of the British Army since 1815.

16. The Nepali flag is the only nation with non-quadrilateral flag.
It is maroon with two triangular shapes stacked on one another with blue border. The upper triangular consists of the moon and the lower triangular consists of the sun. This basic design of the flag is over 2000 years old.

17. Unity in diversity
Nepal has over 80 ethnic groups, and 123 different languages all living together in peace and harmony. No blood has ever been shed in the name of religious and ethnic riot.

18.Land of extremities
 Nepal boasts the most extreme places on the earth such as the highest lake on the earth (Tilicho 4800 meters). The deepest gorges (1200 meter) in Kaligandaki, the highest valley on earth (Arun Valley) and the tallest grassland in the world in Chitwan.

19.Number of bird species in Nepal is the highest in the world
 Nepal has nearly 870 species of birds, which is more than the whole continent of Europe and North Africa combined. There are over 650 species of butterflies.

20.The legend of YETI(ape like creature) continues
The mysterious creature of the Himalayas called Yeti is said to be spotted in the Nepalese Himalayas by many, Sir Edmund Hillary even led an expedition to find Yeti in 1958.

21.Home for rare One horned rhinoceros
Second largest population of one-horned Rhino is found in Nepal.

22. Tourism for social welfare
In Nepal, 50% of all income from tourism is given to the communities near wildlife reserves.

23. Major portion of the country is under protected area.
Over 19% of the total country’s landmass is protected under National Park alone. There are other nunerous wildlife reserves and conservation area to conserve the resources.

24. Nepal is one of the best arenas for Extreme & Adventure Sport Tourism
Mountaineering, cannoning, paragliding, mountain biking, kayaking, rafting, bungee jumping, high marathon, etc. The diverse ethnicity, rich culture and awe-inspiring natural beauty- Nepal is a paradise on earth. So, explore it once. No, twice, and thrice, and multiple times.


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