
Jung Bahadur Rana

A soldier's guide to the throne:

Date of birth: June 18, 1816
Death : February 25, 1877 (aged 59)
Residence : Thapathali Durbar
Title: Sri 3 Maharaj of Kaski and Lamjung
Term: 31 years
Religion: Hindu

Jung Bahadur Rana

Maharaja Jung Bahadur Rana  was the founder of the Rana Dynasty of Nepal. His real name was Bir Narsingh Kunwar but he became famous by the name Jung Bahadur, given to him by
Mathebar Thapa, his maternal uncle.
During his lifetime, he eliminated the factional fighting at the court, removed his family rivals such as Pandes and Basnyats and paved way for finding of Rana Dynasty, introduced innovations into the bureaucracy and the judiciary, and made efforts to "modernize" Nepal. He remains one of the most important figures in Nepalese history , though modern historians have also blamed Jung Bahadur for setting up the dictatorship that repressed the nation for 104 years from 1903 BS to 2007 BS and left it in a primitive economic condition. Others exclusively blame his nephews, the Shumsher Ranas, for 
Nepal's dark period of history. Rana rule was marked by tyranny, debauchery, economic exploitation and religious persecution.Jung Bahadur Kunwar joined the military service (1832–33) at the age of sixteen. As maternal grandson of Bhimsen Thapa, he lost his job and his property when the latter fell.
After wandering in north India for several years, he returned to Nepal as a captain in the artillery in 1840. In November 1841, he was asked by the king to join his bodyguard, and in January 1842 he began work as Kaji in the palace. When his maternal uncle Mathbar Singh Thapa returned to power, Jung Bahadur rose with him. However Mathbar Singh disliked Jung Bahadur's ambition and had him removed to a lesser position on the staff of the heir apparent. When Fateh Jung Chautaria came to power, Jung Bahadur became fourth in the hierarchy of the coalition government and took pains to flatter the queen while showing no signs of ambition to general Gagan Singh Bhandari . A career opportunist, he was ready and waiting when the time came to act at the Kot massacre.

"When his maternal uncle Mathbar Singh Thapa returned to power, Jung Bahadur rose with him. " 

Queen Rajya Lakshmi Devi , the favorite wife of King Rajendra Bikram was not pleased by the new prime minister. She conspired to eliminate Jung Bahadur Kunwar and elevate her son to the throne.
In 1847 Jung Bahadur informed the troops of the exiled king's treasonous activities, announced his dethronement, and elevated Rajendra's son to the throne asSurendra Bikram Shah (1847–81). King Rajendra Bikram was captured later that year in the Tarai and brought back as a prisoner to Bhadgaon,where he spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

By 1850 Jung Bahadur had eliminated all of his major rivals, installed his own candidate on the throne, appointed his brothers and cronies to all the important posts, and ensured that major administrative decisions were made by himself as prime minister. At this point, he took the unprecedented step of travelling to Britain and France, leaving from Calcutta in April 1850 and returning to Kathmandu in February 1851. Although he unsuccessfully tried to deal directly with the British government while he was there, the main result of the tour was a great increase in goodwill between the British and Nepal. Recognizing the power of industrialized Europe, he became convinced that close cooperation with the British was the best way to guarantee Nepal's independence. From then on, European architecture, fashion, and furnishings became more prevalent in Kathmandu and among the Nepalese aristocracy in general.

How he took control of the nation:
After Jung Bahadur's visit to Europe , he took steps to increase his hold over the country. He reduced the King of Nepal to a prisoner in his own palace, surrounded by agents of the Prime Minister being restricted and supervised at all times. No one outside the King's immediate family could see the King without permission from the Prime Minister. All communications in the name of the king were censored, and he was allowed to read only approved literature. In 1856 the king issued a royal decree (sanad) that formalized the dominance of the Kunwar family. There were three main provisions in this crucial document. First, the prime minister had complete authority over all internal administration, including civil, military, and judicial affairs, and all foreign relations, including the powers to make war and peace. Second, Jung Bahadur was made great king (maharajah) of Kaski and Lamjung districts, in effect serving as their independent ruler. The Shah king retained the title of Maharajadhiraja (Supreme King) and the right to use the honorific term Shri five times with his name. The prime minister could use shri three times with his name. In this way, Jung Bahadur stopped short of taking the throne outright but elevated his family to a level second only to the royal house, which remained as a symbol of the nation. Finally, provisions were established for hereditary succession to the post of prime minister. Brothers and then sons would inherit the position in order of seniority. These provisions meant that the dictatorship of the Kunwar family, a virtual monarchy within the monarchy, would be passed down in the family for generations, with no legal mechanism for changing the government. Later, Jung Bahadur established official Rolls of Succession that ranked all his descendants in relation to their hereditary rights to the office of prime minister.
Jung Bahadur sealed the arrangement with the Shah Dynasty by arranging marriages between his heirs and the royal house. In 1854, his eldest son Jagat Jung (aged 8) married the eldest daughter (aged 6) of king Surendra. In 1855 his second son married the second daughter of the king. The ultimate test was passed in 1857, when heir apparent Trailokya Bir Bikram Shah Deva married three daughters of Jung Bahadur.

International Relations:
Nepal began to experience some successes in international affairs during the tenure of Jung Bahadur. To the north, relations with Tibet had been mediated through China since Nepal's defeat in 1792, and during the early nineteenth century embassies had to make the arduous journey to Beijing every five years with local products as tribute to the Qing emperor.
Prime-Minister of Nepal and Maharaja of Kaski & Lamjung, Jung Bahadur Rana was the first Rajah and Prime-Minister to get state honors in the court of Queen Victoria in 1850. Nepal and Britain became strong allies after Jung Bahadur's return from England visit.
The outbreak of disorder to the south also allowed the Nepalese army to take a more active role in international affairs. The Indian Rebellion of 1857, beginning in May 1857, was a series of related uprisings throughout north India that threatened to topple the power of the British East India Company .
It is said that Jung Bahadur personally insisted his son-in-law to replace the middle name of Thapa's children to Jung from Singh in an attempt to signify his own name. Henceforth, Colonel Thapa's only son was named Harka 'Jung' Thapa; the ancestor of all modern Jung Thapas. However, in the present context it is important to understand that even normal Thapas have started giving the middle name Jung to their children and this does not mean they hold Jung Bahadur's lineage.
Presently if someone carries the name Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana, then they come from Dhir Shumsher's lineage (Jung Bahadur's younger brother) whose son Bir Shumsher committed the coup d'etat of 1885 murdering most of Jung Bahadur's sons and forcing the remaining sons, as well as, Prince General Dhoj Narsingh Rana (adopted son of the childless Prime Minister Ranodip Singh ) to seek refuge in India. The descendants of Jung and Ranodip live today in North India (mainly Dehra Dun , Allahabad and Udaipur ) and
Toronto , Ontario, Canada, some did return to Nepal and live in Kathmandu, Nepalgunj and Pokhara. Presently if someone carries the name Bikram Rana they are the descendants from Junga Bahadur's older brother Maharaja Gen.Bhakta Bikram Rana who is widely known as Buda General (old General).


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