
Nepali or Not?

We would be over the moon when someone(especially some notable foreign personality) asserts that "Buddha was born in Nepal" or we are " Bir Gorkhalis". Well everybody know that its a fact but we all like to advertise the following phrases like a commercial which goes on and on for 24 hours. We think that paradise is abroad where many youths go abroad to provide for their family working 14-16 hours a day while forgetting that paradise is here in front of our own eyes. We are a proud nation.No doubt about it, but I think that we take a step too far when it comes to our nationality. Not all of us but some of the "true" Nepalese call the people from Darjeeling, Sikkim as brothers and sisters while abusing our own brothers and sisters from the south. Nepal is a multi-diverse country yet these "true" Nepalese don't know the difference between our own and our neighbors. I'm not saying that all of us are behaving this way I'm just saying what I'm seeing right now. 

During the crisis that the country was bearing, when there was scarcity of fuel we were ok with it on how the country was going. I mean a few years back when the price of fuel was just increased slightly then there would be our most famous holiday known as "Banda". This national holiday of ours would solve no problems rather it would destroy the lives of hard working individuals. Yet we celebrate it many times a year. This festival is where a certain individuals whose so called "demands" were not fulfilled would release their anger on the nation. I mean its ok to release your anger and all but at least be reasonable about it. At the time of crisis when people needed to show their anger towards the crisis there was not even a single spark of anger. I was wondering what is going on but I think people are ok with staying 18 hrs a day in a line. People were ok with black marketing because it was providing necessities quickly and easily. People found a way to make their means end and were ok with it. I think that's the good quality about Nepalese people who want to live the simple way of life. The reason that our country is "developing" for so long is that we don't have the drive to do more than just live the simple way of life. There are only a few people who have reached their goals and are leading a good life. These people are hungry to get more out of their lives so they challenge the system. What we good Nepalese do is that we stay in the system and lead a simple life. The system is corrupt we all know that so why are we still just accepting it?

We have the power to make a change but I guess we just don't have the desire to change it. All we do is complain about the things going on but I guess most of us don't want to change themselves.
Our country is small but because of our behavior, we have really become small too. We need to change our thinking because no one is going to change it for us. We need to first take the blame for any problems that we face even if the problem is not our fault. We will start to look at things in a whole new way once we start looking for solutions to our problems within. We citizens are like mindless sheep serving the foxes of our country because it is always safer in a crowd. WE should think for a second for what is going on and look within for the answers. Diamonds are buried deep in the rocks not on top of sands, so we should look for answers within to see a whole new perspective.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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