
Adventure Tourism in Nepal

The history of adventure tourism in Nepal started some six decades ago during the early attempts to ascend the world’s highest peak, Mt Everest

Trekking and mountaineering are the two major adventure tourism products of the country, which have been attracting a quality number of tourists from all over the world. However adventure tourism now is not just trekking and mountaineering as tourists within the age group of 16-30 years are also being attracted to other adventure tourism products. Nepal has tremendous potential in adventure tourism, which has been identified as one of the fastest growing segments in global tourism.

"Nepal is one among the best destinations in the world for adventure tourism".

Best known as a risky outdoor activity involving the natural environment, adventure tourism indeed is a vague term. It can actually mean differently to different tourists because things that fill up the fear of one tourist may not fill up for another tourist.
Adventure travel is one of the fastest growing but least understood forms of international tourism. 

Nepal is one among the best destinations in the world for adventure tourism which offers an excess of outdoor activities from Paragliding near the mountains to waiting for the Bengal tiger in the dense forest of Chitwan. The history of adventure tourism in Nepal starts from the early attempts to ascend world’s highest peak Mt. Everest some about five decades ago.

Major adventure tourism activities in Nepal:

Situated 160m over the wild Bhote Koshi River Probably makes bungee the most thrilling adventourous sport in Nepal.The bungee jumping site is located close to the Nepal-Tibet border,three hour bus ride from kathmandu valley. The jump, at 160m, was composed by one of New Zealand's leading bungee specialists, and is operated by the most experienced jump experts in the business. It's mishap-proof. The office takes safet.y of customers very seriously.The Bungee Bridge happens to be the only privately owned bridge in Nepal. It has been specially designed for bungee jumping with a 4x-safety factor and has a loading factor of 41,500 kg or 4.5 tons according to Swiss measurements.
Imagine a bridge 160 meters above a tropical gorge with the Bhote Kosi River, one of Nepal’s wildest rivers raging below; close your eyes and JUMP!!
The cost of the Bungee jumping is $85 per person which includes transportation and a heavy lunch.
Rivers in nepal are graded from level:1 to level:6 in terms of dangers with one being a swimming pool and six a one-way ticket to your maker. Four is considered to be quite challenging without being exceedingly dangerous to the novice rafter. Five requires some previous river experience.Nepal's thundering waters, originating from the ice sheets of the mighty Himalaya, give unmatched rushes to rafting and immersing oneself in the landscape.
Here is the list of some famous rafting rivers in nepal
The Trisuli River:
This river is graded as 3+ in level.It s quite famous place for rafting for beginners as it is near to kathmandu valley and not much dangerous yet exciting.For first time rafters it offers plenty of excitement.
The Kali Gandaki River:
The Kali Gandaki (grade 4 to 4+) begin and end in Pokhara and offer an exciting alternative to the Trisuli.The run flows 120 km and its challenges are continuous.
The Bhote Koshi River:
The Bhote Koshi (grade 4 to 5) is a two day intense rapids located only three hours from Kathmandu.It gives the real pro experience of the white water rafting so you need more than a swimsuit for this one.
The most popular places for jungle safari in nepal are listed below
1.The Royal Chitwan National Park
2.Royal Bardia National Park
3.Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
4.Royal Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve

Nepal has a great reputation as a best destination for white water rafting around the world.Nepal is a river runner's paradise - no other country has such a choice of multi-day trips, away from roads, in such magnificent mountain surrroundings, with warm rivers, a semi tropical climate, impressive geography, exotic cultures, wildlife and friendly welcoming people.

Paragliding is the best way to observe the panaroma beauty of the himalayas of Nepal.Observing glory of Annapurna range and beautiful landscape around Pokhara valley, virgin Mt; Fishtail (Machhapuchhre), Lamjung Himal, Annapaurna Himal, Himchuli, Fewa Lake, Rice field, Rivers and settlements are below gives you thrills with a great photographic opportunity.Paragling in pokhara is a short one hour flight from the Sarankot (1592m).During the flight you have breathe taking panorama views and pilot will explain what he/she is doing and allow you some hands-on control of the glider. The cost of Paragliding in pokhara is about $75 together with your transportation and video shooting cost.

Nepal's jungles are home to some of the most exceptional and rare animals in the whole world. The warm subtropical Terai reasons of Nepal houses such animals as Royal Bengal Tigers, Rhinos, Leopards, Wild Elephants, Sloth Bears, Monkeys, Crocodiles, four sorts of Deer and more than 250 types of fascinating birds. The Terai district is home to the Royal Chitwan and Bardia national parks. This wildlife parks were set up to secure these endangered animals and the environment they live in. They are the premier spots in Asia to enjoy a true jungle experience.


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